Thursday, February 15, 2018

My First Day At School

My first day at school is a memorable day in my life. It is the beginning for a new chapter in my life.So, I was happy and excaited but afraid as well. The school is very neat at clean, of our house. So, I want there on foot, With my mother. That day wake up very early in the morning, had my bath finished. Put on a nice dress and started on foot.Something I walked and something I run reached school. I saw many student in the feld but I know few. I fachad interview successfully with the headmaster. He toid ourclass teacher to take me to the class and afraid me a set. I was at a lose because I know none, by and by I had intimacy with two who sat beside me. Thought it was long eight years ago. I can rechall the experience still fresh an new.

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